Thursday, May 8, 2014

How to get rid of belly fat and get 6 packs abs and get shredded

Many of you probably are planning to get six packs abs and get totally shredded but don't know what exactly you need to do. This article is for you. this will give you a complete guide including workout routine, diet and everything that you need to get the sort of 6 packs abs that you have always been dreaming about.

All that you see on different articles, youtube videos and hear from friends that you gotta do lots of crunches, sit-ups to get a shredded core, well let me tell you it is the worst advice ever and the slowest way of getting strong core and 6 packs abs. You need to remember that you want a six packs abs on a strong muscly symmetric body which will make you look good, strong and athletic. So lets talk about the exercises that you should do to get there.

Recent researches show that the best and fastest way to get killer abs would be through strength exercises and not just any strength exercise but the big lifts. It is ok if you want to isolate the abs muscles and want to do lots of sit-ups and what not but training heavy and keeping the diet tight can give you the killer abs in a much shorter time. 

The big lifts that I'm talking about are deadlifts, squats (Exercises that involve the core muscles), chin ups, pull overs and Olympic lifts. Make sure to do these workouts and keep them in your daily workout routines. Lift heavy and continue to push the limit.

When it comes to isolated abs workout, two of the best workouts that recent researches show are 1. Single leg jackknife situp. 2. The reverse sit-up. If you are not familiar with these two workouts, google or youtube them and I'm sure you can find some helpful links.

Along with building a strong core you also need to get rid of the fat in the mid-section to make your abs visible and there is no alternative to cardio- workouts. Many bodybuilders or fitness trainers might suggest you that cardios will also force you to lose some of your muscle gains but that is not entirely true. If you do not over do the cardios and maintain intense weight lifting then it will not force you to lose much of your muscle gains. But the key here is that you should not over do the cardio exercises. High intensive interval trainings are the best to lose some quick fat without losing much of the gains at the shortest possible time. You can do interval sprints with a 30-20-10 pattern. 30 seconds jogging followed by 20 seconds of moderate and 10 seconds of fast sprints. Follow this cycle for 5 minutes and take two minutes rest and repeat again. 3-4 sets of this can help you burn some quick calories.

They say that abs are made in the kitchen, not at the gym. Good diet is the most important thing in building 6 packs abs. if you are really committed then you have to make some sacrifices. You have to completely avoid any type of food that is high in sugar, oil, reduce carbs intake and avoid all sorts of dairy food. You also need to completely avoid having carbs at night, rely mostly on protein and dietary supplements(if possible).  You can always have a cheat day once every week but if you maintain such tight diet and follow the suggestions given then you will get six packs abs in no time! Best of luck and remember, consistency is the key.

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